Darkest dungeon 2 brain boss
Darkest dungeon 2 brain boss

The fact there's no other way to free the prisoner is. Even worse, to free the druid it forces the player to fight the goblins and kill the kids. One could move through the area without getting involved but the result of that is lack of XP and interactions. I don't mind being evil (more on that later), but when it's this black and white it's a bit forcing it. The drow leader, who can be a companion, also can't be recruited unless you murder hobo the druids. And the worst part is that all the sneaking around is ruined with the hobgoblin leader. With goblins not using their brains enough. It's a typical "play it safe" goblin start. The reason for this is because they're typical goblins that are "just evil and want to kill".

darkest dungeon 2 brain boss

Do we really need to have the camera up close to each and every one if all a number of them say is a a few lines with zero feedback from the avater? With each and every single "sharpshooter" or "warrior"? As interesting as some of the goblin outcomes are it might also the weakest part of the game. Let's start with how the NPCs are interacted with. Having played the game a good bit I'm noticing that there's a certain pattern with all the NPC interactions. Ultimately, regardless of what is done it's always going to be about "how" things are done. Which is something I'll be stressing a lot of in this thread. It's a matter of context, not generalizing. Using 5e as an excuse it not going to stand.

darkest dungeon 2 brain boss

If this is the reason then I'd rather hear that then the excuses for being afraid about taking risks. So if a player wants to turn into a dragon and have that option then why not have that option? Being afraid of getting powerful and delving into god like powers is fear and paranoia and in inability of balancing that properly. the difference is that with a computer game people can play single player in a more timely fashion and play as they please. There's everything to gain from having higher level caps. Having looked into some youtube vids of what other people think it seems the biggest mistake the devs have made is trying to please everyone and playing it too safe.

darkest dungeon 2 brain boss

It's a combination of feedback, ideas that worked wll in past D&D games (that DLC with BG3 could make use of) and what I think went well and what was too forced. I'll try to leave some things for players to find out, but in order to make sense of all this certain details have to be discussed.

Darkest dungeon 2 brain boss